MP3 (für Waveform) Your browser does not support the audio element. Hit The Road Variation.mp3 Album Into the West Komponist:innen Carsten Rocker Instruments Guitar Bass Violin Tags peaceful confident floating repetetive playful introverted pensive idyllic Versions Play Hit The Road Variation piano MP3 (Download) Download MP3 WAV (Download) Download WAV folk folklore country kammerstreicher chamber strings minimalistic minimalistisch avant-garde avantgarde langsames tempo langsam slow filmscore score hintergrundmusik filmmusic filmmusik adventure series abenteuerserie adventure adventure movie adventure film abenteuerfilm western wildwest america american amerika middle west cowboys cowboy midwest prairie prärie indians indianer sheriff farmer ranch wilder westen wild west django goldrush klondike goldrausch rodeo colorado river grand canyon texas ok corral wyatt earp ranch tombstone lasso saloon bar missouri mississippi lousiana new mexico arizona oklahoma kansas indiana iowa nebraska north america usa midwest appalachian trails great plains montana rocky mountains buffalos büffel wichita cattle herd rinderherde bison trapper oregon trail planwagen wagon ride wagon treck trecks trek treks settlers siedler trail lagerfeuer campfire bonfire national parks nationalparks horses horseback pferde horseshoes hufeisen national parks nationalparks reisedoku reisedokumentation travel documentary travel documentaries journeys fahrt introspective introspektiv beschaulich subtil feinfühlig zurückhaltend reserved suchend suche search searching handmade handgefertigt handgemacht bewegt moving movement motion moving forward voranschreiten fortschreitend magnificent view aussicht scenery weite wide range range endless vastness vastness endlose weite freiheit freedom abendstille quiet of the evening stille silence abend evening nacht night tonight abendstimmung dämmerung evening atmosphere naturdoku naturdokumentationen nature documentary trip tour excursion unternehmung exkursion expedition schrammel gitarren klampfe lagerfeuergesang lagerfeuer campfire bonfire bonfiremusic drachensteigen nebel fog mist abenteuer adventure natur nature landschaften landscapes countryside scenery animal planet discovery channel terra x bbc documentary bbc doku wildnis wilderness wasteland ödland steppe karge landschaft veldt desert wüste ödnis karg kargheit barren landscape barren scenery barren arid aridity impressionen impressions eindrücke moments moment river fluss rinnsal stream creek bach trickle quelle flussquelle spring floating flowing zoo zooserie zoogeschichten zoo-doku-soaps zoo doku soaps zoo-doku tierpark reiten ausritt pferde horses riding ride subtil feinfühlig zurückhaltend reserved road movie on the road road