MP3 (für Waveform) Your browser does not support the audio element. Diving Into The Unknown.mp3 Album Magic – Mystic – Fairy Tales Komponist:innen Carsten Rocker Instruments Woodwinds Harp Strings Synthesizer Percussion Tags mysterious enigmatic floating dreamy dark MP3 (Download) Download MP3 WAV (Download) Download WAV mittleres tempo medium tempo andante filmscore score hintergrundmusik filmmusic filmmusik horrorfilm horror film grusel schauder scary creepy eerie creeps chamber of horrors creepiness gänsehaut schaurig fantasy fantasy film märchen fairy tale fairy tale movie mystery series mystery beklemmung anxiety gefahr gefährlich danger dangerous dunkel darkness dunkelheit märchenwald zauberwald magical forest enchanted forest märchenschloss fairy-tale castle hexen verhext witches sorcery hexerei witchcraft elfstruck naturdoku naturdokumentationen nature documentary tauchen tauch trip diving dive immerse immersiv höhlentaucher höhle cave caves grottos grotten cave diving cavern unterwasserwelt underwater world submarine world u-boot unterwasserboot submarine natur nature landschaften animal planet discovery channel terra x bbc documentary bbc doku historische orte historical places bauwerke buildings monumente monuments impressionismus impressionism kirche kathedrale cathedral church sakral sacral sacred religious choral heilig heiligtum vatikan vatican papst pope bischof bishop bistum sanctum saint arpeggio