MP3 (für Waveform) Your browser does not support the audio element. End Of Day.mp3 Album Meditative Nature Scapes Komponist:innen Carsten Rocker Instruments Guitar Synthesizer Tags relaxed floating melancholic dreamy pensive MP3 (Download) Download MP3 WAV (Download) Download WAV pychedelisch psychedelic rausch pot joint kiffen western wildwest america american amerika middle west documentary dokumentation dokumentarisch reality reality-tv scripted reality perspektivlosigkeit loss of perspektive without prospects hoffnungslosigkeit hopelessness lack of prospects niedergeschlagen frust frustration frustration sex erotik erotic jugendliche teenager teens pubertät puberty heranwachsende landschaften landscapes countryside natur nature norden nordsee north sea friesland frisian frisia norddeutschland kühe weiden cows coast küste nordseeküste ostfriesland leuchtturm leuchttürme lighthouse beacon deiche deich dikes dike dykes dyke impressionen impressions momente moments