MP3 (für Waveform) Your browser does not support the audio element. Green Soul.mp3 Album Outdoor on the go Komponist:innen Jens Hafemann Instrumente Drums Gitarre Bass Klavier Tags entspannt positiv Versionen Play Green Soul reduced MP3 (Download) Download MP3 WAV (Download) Download WAV country folk folklore filmscore score hintergrundmusik filmmusic filmmusik kinder kids children child kinderfernsehen kids tv kinder tv children children’s series children’s tv children tv kid tv kids kinderfernsehen western wildwest america american amerika middle west cowboys cowboy midwest prairie prärie indians indianer sheriff farmer ranch documentary dokumentation dokumentarisch reisedoku reisedokumentation travel documentary travel documentaries sentimental kitsch harmony harmonie glück glücklich nett nice handmade handgefertigt handgemacht feelgood wohlfühlen liebe love verliebt falling in love rückblende rückblick flashback retrospect retrospective retrospektive review naturdoku naturdokumentationen nature documentary trip tour excursion unternehmung exkursion expedition natur nature landschaften landscapes countryside scenery berge mountains hügellandschaft highlands bergsteigen mountain climbing mountaineer mountaineering summit peaks gipfel see lake freizeit leisure leisure time tiere animals tierdokumentation animal documentary putzig cute funny drollig