MP3 (für Waveform) Your browser does not support the audio element. Flight Over Micronesia.mp3 Album Nature and Adventure Komponist:innen Carsten Rocker Instruments Orchestra Choir Shakuhachi Synthesizer Marimba Percussion Tags adventurous mysterious enigmatic magical grand triumphant rhythmical heroic airy MP3 (Download) Download MP3 WAV (Download) Download WAV mittleres tempo medium tempo andante world music weltmusik ethnisch ethnical ethnic drums filmscore score hintergrundmusik filmmusic filmmusik titelmusik titles vorspann vorspannmusik title theme title sequence credits fantasy fantasy film märchen fairy tale fairy tale movie adventure series abenteuerserie adventure adventure movie adventure film abenteuerfilm reisedoku reisedokumentation travel documentary travel documentaries journeys fahrt pathetisch pathetic pathos beeindruckend impressive impressing imposing stunning majestätisch majestic grandios magnificent overwhelming großartig bombastisch magnificent view aussicht scenery weite wide range range endless vastness vastness endlose weite dschungel jungle regenwald rainforest unterwasserwelt underwater world submarine world natur nature landschaften landscapes animal planet discovery channel terra x bbc documentary bbc doku wildnis wilderness trees bäume baum pflanzen plants blumen flowers