MP3 (für Waveform) Your browser does not support the audio element. The Old Chapel.mp3 Album Historical Places (Mystical Cathedrals) Komponist:innen Carsten Rocker Instruments Violin Strings Bells Piano Tags mysterious melancholic impulsive oppressive powerful classical Versions Play The Old Chapel orchestral playback Play The Old Chapel short 1 Play The Old Chapel Variation short 1 Play The Old Chapel Variation MP3 (Download) Download MP3 WAV (Download) Download WAV streichorchester string orchestra neobarock neo-barock neo-baroque mittleres tempo medium tempo andante mittelalter medieval times middle ages endzeit endzeitstimmung doomsday doomsday mood apocalypse apocalyptic mood apokalyptisch apokalypse weltuntergangsstimmung weltuntergang der jüngste tag dramedy docudrama biopic filmbiografie filmbiographie film biography depressiv depressive depression niedergeschlagen frust frustration frustrierend perspektivlosigkeit loss of perspektive without prospects hoffnungslosigkeit hopelessness lack of prospects sorge concern worry bescheidenheit modesty humbleness zurückhaltend historienfilm period drama historical drama period film period drama geschichte history historical channel geschichtsdoku geschichtsdokumentation history documentary historische orte historical places bauwerke buildings monumente monuments kirche kathedrale cathedral church sakral sacral sacred religious choral heilig heiligtum vatikan vatican papst pope bischof bishop bistum sanctum saint holy clerical klerus pastor pfarrer priest dom diözese ordination weihe weihezeremonie jesus christus christlich christ christentum christianity messe mass konfirmation kommunion communion confirmation altar kreuz cross kruzifix crucifixion kreuzigung liturgie liturgy litanei litany gebet prayer catholic protestant roman-catholic agnus dei dominus evangelisch evangelical gottesdienst worship service gott god theology theologie religion konfession confession faith glaube religionswissenschaft